Recognizing that each person's anatomy is unique, we provide an extensive selection of post lengths and ring diameters to guarantee the perfect, most comfortable fit for your luxury gold piercings. Optimal fits also enable you to design intricate and sophisticated styles for your individual MADAJ Jewelry.

Discover the perfect size for your ear piercing :
- Antitragus : from 5 mm
- Conch : from 6.5 mm
- Contraconch : from 6.5 mm
- Forward Helix : from 5 mm
- Helix : from 6.5 mm
- Lobe : from 6.5 mm
- Rook : from 6.5 mm
- Tragus : from 6.5 mm
Please be aware that the post length sizes mentioned in this guide are indicative and can vary depending on the unique anatomy of each individual's ears. We recommend considering your personal ear structure to determine the most comfortable and suitable post length for your piercings.

Stud & Threaded Earring Post Lengths : Selecting the appropriate post length ensures a perfect fit and can enhance the overall look of the earring.
Common lengths available at MADAJ Piercings include, but are not limited to, sizes such as 5 mm, 6.5 mm, 8 mm, 9.5 mm, and 11 mm.
Typically measured from where the post begins at the back to its front end, these lengths can vary to accommodate diverse piercing types and individual anatomical differences.

Two popular options among our MADAJ Piercings collections are threaded studs and traditional studs.
- Threaded Studs : Threaded studs are known for their secure fastening mechanism. This design offers enhanced security, as the earring is less likely to loosen or fall out.
Threaded studs are a comfortable option 24h/24, ideal for all cartillage piercings, as the smooth back ensures minimal irritation.
- Traditional Studs : Traditional studs, on the other hand, are the classic earring style many are familiar with. These studs are straightforward to put on and take off, offering ease of use.
Traditional Studs are a popular choice for the first Lobe Piercing.

- Antitragus Hoop Earrings: 5 mm - 8 mm
- Conch Hoop Earrings: 9.5 mm - 12.5 mm
- Contraconch Hoop Earrings: 8 mm - 9.5 mm
- Forward Helix Hoop Earrings: 5 mm - 6.5 mm
- Daith Hoop Earrings: 6.5 mm - 9.5 mm
- Helix Hoop Earrings: 6.5 mm - 8 mm
- Lobe Hoop Earrings: 6.5 mm - 9.5 mm
- Rook Hoop Earrings: 5 mm - 6.5 mm
- Tragus Hoop Earrings: 5 mm - 6.5 mm
Please note: Our suggested hoop sizes are provided as a general guide. Keep in mind that individual ear anatomy varies, so these sizes may differ slightly for each person.

- Hoop Piercings Sizing : The diameter of the hoop plays a significant role in its appearance and comfort.
The diameter of a hoop earring is typically measured across its innermost part.
A variety of sizes are available to cater to different preferences and styles.
While sizes like 6.5 mm and 8 mm are quite popular, choices range from smaller diameters such as 5mm to larger ones, including 9.5 mm, 11 mm, and more. Choosing the right hoop size can be a matter of personal preference, often influenced by current fashion trends and individual style statements.

Find your ideal hoop piercing size.
Our collection is meticulously crafted to cater to diverse styles and preferences, ensuring you find the hoop that not only looks great but feels comfortable too.
Please note that the images below serve as a general guide for hoop piercing placements and are for informational purposes. Keep in mind that everyone's ears are unique, and the ideal size and placement of hoop earrings can vary greatly depending on individual ear anatomy and personal style preferences.